Assaracus Issue 18: A Journal of Gay Poetry (Koh, Madden, Woods)

Assaracus Issue 18: A Journal of Gay Poetry (Koh, Madden, Woods)

Assaracus Issue 18: A Journal of Gay Poetry
ISBN: 978-1-937420-93-2
Publication Date: 4/23/2015
100 Pages Perfect-Bound Matte Finish

Assaracus (ISSN 2159-0478) - a quarterly journal of gay poetry and one of Library Journal's Best New Magazines - features a substantial collection of work by a small number of established and emerging gay poets. Featured in Issue 18 of Assaracus are William Leo Coakley, Robert Reid Drake, Jan-Henry Gray, James Michael Joiner, Jee Leong Koh, Raymond Luczak, Ed Madden, Kelly McQuain, Eric Norris, Bart Rawlinson, Matt Terhune, and Gregory Woods. Issue 18 features cover art by Carmine Santaniello. Edited by Joseph Harker and proudly published by Sibling Rivalry Press.